Everybody knows how diet affects their general health and that sugary foods cause tooth decay, but eating a tooth friendly diet can sometimes be quite difficult.
Dietary Advice Sunnybank Hills & Sunnybank

How Could Dietary Advice Help Me?

If you try to eat healthily and generally look after your teeth, it can be upsetting to learn you have cavities. This is where dietary advice may be helpful as we can analyse your diet, identifying foods that may be causing problems. Snacking in between meals is a particularly good example.

Everybody knows how diet affects their general health and that sugary foods cause tooth decay, but eating a tooth friendly diet can sometimes be quite difficult.

How Does Snacking Increase the Risk of Tooth Decay?

If you are on the go the whole time, then it’s easy to reach for an energy giving snack, perhaps a granola bar or maybe an energy drink or fruit juice. These types of foods are often marketed as being healthy but may contain large quantities of sugar. Knowing which foods put you more at risk of developing cavities can help you make smarter choices about when to eat them. For example, eating sugary foods as part of a main meal helps to lower the risk of tooth decay. This is because your mouth produces more saliva at mealtimes, helping to wash away excess food. We can also take a look at your diet in general and can offer advice about how to make it more tooth friendly.

For more information, please call us on (07) 3272 8833. We are located at Level 4 Sunnybank Hills Shopping town, Cnr Calam and Compton roads, Sunnybank Hills QLD 4109.

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